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JULY 24, 2024 Luncheon

Location: Eagles Nest Country Club in PebbleCreek

Time: 11:30 a.m.

Menu: Off the menu

Hostess: Jane Cook

Homework: Come prepared to discuss the Upper Room devotional for July 24, 2024

R.S.V.P. to Diane Piehl at 623-935-2796 or, or sign up via the Church site on Breeze

Diane Piehl

NOTE:  Tentative Hostess for August is Nancy Adams. Still need hostesses for September and October.  Have you had an opportunity to host yet!? If not, please consider doing so. We meet through the summer as well, and if there is another women's event at the church on any given month, we do not normally meet. November and December are months we do not meet.

Friendship Group  (formerly Circle 3) Luncheon Background

After discussion we decided to make Friendship Group into a Life Group to line up with the updated structure of our church.  To that end we are doing that, however, you'll continue to receive e-mail notices regarding the luncheons from Diane Piehl.  We have set up two Life Groups of Friendship, Number 1 and Number 2.  Each will have a facilitator, Number 1 will be Marge Kinney and Number 2 will be Donna Gray.  There will always be a hostess who will set up the luncheon and each month the Sign-up will be updated with the current information for that month. This procedure opens our luncheon events to new members and other women in the church. Although we have #1 and #2 Life Groups of Friendship, we will meet on the same day with one hostess.  This is a work in progress, but it will be fun and great to continue to enjoy lunching together. In case you wonder the magic number of 12: Jesus only needed 12.

Questions: Contact Marge Kinney at or Diane Piehl at (Phone: 623-935-2796)
