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The Sr. Pastor Search Committee has interviewed three applicants and has put one applicant through to the board of directors.  The board will be meeting with this applicant at the end of the month.  Should the board approve this applicant, the applicant will be asked to come to CLP and preach one Sunday with a congregation meeting immediately following to vote either for or against the applicant becoming our Sr. Pastor.  If the board does not approve this applicant then the search with the recruiter will begin again.  Your board of directors is making plans for both scenarios.  This is a process and the Search Committee has spent many hours making sure we make good recommendations to the board.  For those not familiar with our constitution and bylaws, I would like to read how a Sr. Pastor is selected as stated in that document:

 The Senior Pastor shall be called in the following manner by the members of the church whenever a vacancy occurs:

1)     The Board President shall designate one member of the Board of Directors as chairperson of the search committee. A Pastoral Search Committee shall be formed by the chairperson. The search committee shall seek information concerning possible candidates, conduct interviews, correspondence, etc., until it is ready to make a recommendation for a candidate to fill the vacancy.                

2)     The search committee shall submit its nomination to the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors approves the nomination; the Board will call a Special Meeting to vote on the nominee.

3)     The Senior Pastor’s call shall be by a two-thirds vote of those members present at a Special Congregational Meeting called for that purpose.

We will update you at the end of the month and I ask you to continue to be in prayer for the church.  I thank you for your patience and grace as we walk through this season.